

a road network covers the brain




Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is the ability of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to learning, experience, and stimulation. It involves the brain forming new neural connections, strengthening or weakening existing ones, and pruning unused synapses. This process allows the brain to adapt and optimize its functioning throughout life.

Stages of Neuroplasticity:

  1. Stimulation: The brain receives stimuli from the environment or through internal processes, such as learning or experiencing something new.

  2. Synaptic transmission: Neurons communicate with each other through synapses, and the strength of these connections can be modified based on the activity they experience.

  3. Gene expression: Neuronal activity triggers changes in gene expression, leading to the production of proteins that support the growth and modification of synapses.

  4. Structural changes: Over time, the brain undergoes structural changes, such as the growth of new neurons (neurogenesis), the formation of new synapses, and the pruning of unused connections.

  5. Functional adaptation: As a result of these structural changes, the brain adapts its functioning to better suit the demands of the environment and the individual's experiences.

Tips to encourage neuroplasticity:

  • Engage in lifelong learning by acquiring new skills or knowledge

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation

  • Exercise regularly

  • Get enough quality sleep

  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in brain-supporting nutrients

  • Socialize and engage in meaningful conversations

  • Challenge your brain with puzzles, games, and mental exercises


  • Neuron: A specialized cell that transmits nerve impulses; a nerve cell. Neurons are the basic building blocks of the nervous system.

  • Synapse: The junction between two neurons where nerve impulses are transmitted. Synapses allow neurons to communicate with each other.

  • Gene: A unit of heredity that is transferred from parent to offspring and determines some characteristic of the offspring. Genes play a role in the expression of proteins that support neuroplasticity.

  • Synaptic plasticity: The ability of neurons to modify the strength and efficacy of synaptic transmission through activity-dependent mechanisms.

  • Synaptic pruning: The elimination of unused synapses, leaving behind efficient networks of neural connections.

An analogy

Neuroplasticity can be compared to a city's road network. The roads are like the neural pathways in the brain. Frequently used roads (neural pathways) become wider and well-maintained highways, while less used roads fall into disrepair or disappear. When you learn a new skill, like playing an instrument, you build a new "road," and the more you practice, the stronger and more efficient that pathway becomes.

A main misconception

A common misconception is that the brain stops changing after childhood. However, research has shown that neuroplasticity occurs throughout life, although it is most active during early development. While children's brains are more plastic, adults can still rewire their brains through learning and experience.

The history

  1. Late 19th century: The concept of neuroplasticity begins to emerge, challenging the belief that the brain is fixed and unchangeable.

  2. 1949: Donald Hebb proposes Hebbian theory, suggesting that neurons that fire together wire together, forming the basis for synaptic plasticity.

  3. 1960s-1970s: Research on animals reveals the brain's ability to reorganize after damage.

  4. 1990s: Advances in brain imaging techniques provide evidence for neuroplasticity in the human brain.

  5. 21st century: Ongoing research continues to explore the mechanisms and potential applications of neuroplasticity.

Three cases how to use it right now

  1. Learning a new language: Engage in language learning activities, such as studying vocabulary, practicing conversation, and immersing yourself in the language. Consistent practice will strengthen the neural pathways associated with the new language.

  2. Recovering from a stroke: Engage in targeted rehabilitation exercises, such as physical therapy and speech therapy, to help the brain rewire itself and regain lost functions. Repetition and consistency are key to promoting neuroplasticity.

  3. Improving memory: Engage in memory-enhancing activities, such as puzzles, brain teasers, and learning new skills. Challenging your brain regularly helps maintain and strengthen neural connections, improving overall cognitive function.

Interesting facts

  1. The average adult human brain has approximately 86 billion neurons.

  2. At birth, each neuron in the cerebral cortex has about 2,500 synapses; by age 2-3, this number increases to about 15,000 synapses per neuron.

  3. During adolescence, the brain undergoes a massive "pruning back" of excess synapses, maintaining only the connections that have been strengthened by experience.

  4. Neuroplasticity is involved in the brain's ability to recover from damage caused by stroke or traumatic injury.

  5. Neurogenesis, the birth of new neurons, continues throughout life in specific regions of the brain, such as the hippocampus, which is crucial for learning and memory.

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is the ability of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to learning, experience, and stimulation. It involves the brain forming new neural connections, strengthening or weakening existing ones, and pruning unused synapses. This process allows the brain to adapt and optimize its functioning throughout life.

Stages of Neuroplasticity:

  1. Stimulation: The brain receives stimuli from the environment or through internal processes, such as learning or experiencing something new.

  2. Synaptic transmission: Neurons communicate with each other through synapses, and the strength of these connections can be modified based on the activity they experience.

  3. Gene expression: Neuronal activity triggers changes in gene expression, leading to the production of proteins that support the growth and modification of synapses.

  4. Structural changes: Over time, the brain undergoes structural changes, such as the growth of new neurons (neurogenesis), the formation of new synapses, and the pruning of unused connections.

  5. Functional adaptation: As a result of these structural changes, the brain adapts its functioning to better suit the demands of the environment and the individual's experiences.

Tips to encourage neuroplasticity:

  • Engage in lifelong learning by acquiring new skills or knowledge

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation

  • Exercise regularly

  • Get enough quality sleep

  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in brain-supporting nutrients

  • Socialize and engage in meaningful conversations

  • Challenge your brain with puzzles, games, and mental exercises


  • Neuron: A specialized cell that transmits nerve impulses; a nerve cell. Neurons are the basic building blocks of the nervous system.

  • Synapse: The junction between two neurons where nerve impulses are transmitted. Synapses allow neurons to communicate with each other.

  • Gene: A unit of heredity that is transferred from parent to offspring and determines some characteristic of the offspring. Genes play a role in the expression of proteins that support neuroplasticity.

  • Synaptic plasticity: The ability of neurons to modify the strength and efficacy of synaptic transmission through activity-dependent mechanisms.

  • Synaptic pruning: The elimination of unused synapses, leaving behind efficient networks of neural connections.

An analogy

Neuroplasticity can be compared to a city's road network. The roads are like the neural pathways in the brain. Frequently used roads (neural pathways) become wider and well-maintained highways, while less used roads fall into disrepair or disappear. When you learn a new skill, like playing an instrument, you build a new "road," and the more you practice, the stronger and more efficient that pathway becomes.

A main misconception

A common misconception is that the brain stops changing after childhood. However, research has shown that neuroplasticity occurs throughout life, although it is most active during early development. While children's brains are more plastic, adults can still rewire their brains through learning and experience.

The history

  1. Late 19th century: The concept of neuroplasticity begins to emerge, challenging the belief that the brain is fixed and unchangeable.

  2. 1949: Donald Hebb proposes Hebbian theory, suggesting that neurons that fire together wire together, forming the basis for synaptic plasticity.

  3. 1960s-1970s: Research on animals reveals the brain's ability to reorganize after damage.

  4. 1990s: Advances in brain imaging techniques provide evidence for neuroplasticity in the human brain.

  5. 21st century: Ongoing research continues to explore the mechanisms and potential applications of neuroplasticity.

Three cases how to use it right now

  1. Learning a new language: Engage in language learning activities, such as studying vocabulary, practicing conversation, and immersing yourself in the language. Consistent practice will strengthen the neural pathways associated with the new language.

  2. Recovering from a stroke: Engage in targeted rehabilitation exercises, such as physical therapy and speech therapy, to help the brain rewire itself and regain lost functions. Repetition and consistency are key to promoting neuroplasticity.

  3. Improving memory: Engage in memory-enhancing activities, such as puzzles, brain teasers, and learning new skills. Challenging your brain regularly helps maintain and strengthen neural connections, improving overall cognitive function.

Interesting facts

  1. The average adult human brain has approximately 86 billion neurons.

  2. At birth, each neuron in the cerebral cortex has about 2,500 synapses; by age 2-3, this number increases to about 15,000 synapses per neuron.

  3. During adolescence, the brain undergoes a massive "pruning back" of excess synapses, maintaining only the connections that have been strengthened by experience.

  4. Neuroplasticity is involved in the brain's ability to recover from damage caused by stroke or traumatic injury.

  5. Neurogenesis, the birth of new neurons, continues throughout life in specific regions of the brain, such as the hippocampus, which is crucial for learning and memory.

Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity or neural plasticity, is the ability of the brain to change and rewire itself in response to learning, experience, and stimulation. It involves the brain forming new neural connections, strengthening or weakening existing ones, and pruning unused synapses. This process allows the brain to adapt and optimize its functioning throughout life.

Stages of Neuroplasticity:

  1. Stimulation: The brain receives stimuli from the environment or through internal processes, such as learning or experiencing something new.

  2. Synaptic transmission: Neurons communicate with each other through synapses, and the strength of these connections can be modified based on the activity they experience.

  3. Gene expression: Neuronal activity triggers changes in gene expression, leading to the production of proteins that support the growth and modification of synapses.

  4. Structural changes: Over time, the brain undergoes structural changes, such as the growth of new neurons (neurogenesis), the formation of new synapses, and the pruning of unused connections.

  5. Functional adaptation: As a result of these structural changes, the brain adapts its functioning to better suit the demands of the environment and the individual's experiences.

Tips to encourage neuroplasticity:

  • Engage in lifelong learning by acquiring new skills or knowledge

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation

  • Exercise regularly

  • Get enough quality sleep

  • Maintain a healthy diet rich in brain-supporting nutrients

  • Socialize and engage in meaningful conversations

  • Challenge your brain with puzzles, games, and mental exercises


  • Neuron: A specialized cell that transmits nerve impulses; a nerve cell. Neurons are the basic building blocks of the nervous system.

  • Synapse: The junction between two neurons where nerve impulses are transmitted. Synapses allow neurons to communicate with each other.

  • Gene: A unit of heredity that is transferred from parent to offspring and determines some characteristic of the offspring. Genes play a role in the expression of proteins that support neuroplasticity.

  • Synaptic plasticity: The ability of neurons to modify the strength and efficacy of synaptic transmission through activity-dependent mechanisms.

  • Synaptic pruning: The elimination of unused synapses, leaving behind efficient networks of neural connections.

An analogy

Neuroplasticity can be compared to a city's road network. The roads are like the neural pathways in the brain. Frequently used roads (neural pathways) become wider and well-maintained highways, while less used roads fall into disrepair or disappear. When you learn a new skill, like playing an instrument, you build a new "road," and the more you practice, the stronger and more efficient that pathway becomes.

A main misconception

A common misconception is that the brain stops changing after childhood. However, research has shown that neuroplasticity occurs throughout life, although it is most active during early development. While children's brains are more plastic, adults can still rewire their brains through learning and experience.

The history

  1. Late 19th century: The concept of neuroplasticity begins to emerge, challenging the belief that the brain is fixed and unchangeable.

  2. 1949: Donald Hebb proposes Hebbian theory, suggesting that neurons that fire together wire together, forming the basis for synaptic plasticity.

  3. 1960s-1970s: Research on animals reveals the brain's ability to reorganize after damage.

  4. 1990s: Advances in brain imaging techniques provide evidence for neuroplasticity in the human brain.

  5. 21st century: Ongoing research continues to explore the mechanisms and potential applications of neuroplasticity.

Three cases how to use it right now

  1. Learning a new language: Engage in language learning activities, such as studying vocabulary, practicing conversation, and immersing yourself in the language. Consistent practice will strengthen the neural pathways associated with the new language.

  2. Recovering from a stroke: Engage in targeted rehabilitation exercises, such as physical therapy and speech therapy, to help the brain rewire itself and regain lost functions. Repetition and consistency are key to promoting neuroplasticity.

  3. Improving memory: Engage in memory-enhancing activities, such as puzzles, brain teasers, and learning new skills. Challenging your brain regularly helps maintain and strengthen neural connections, improving overall cognitive function.

Interesting facts

  1. The average adult human brain has approximately 86 billion neurons.

  2. At birth, each neuron in the cerebral cortex has about 2,500 synapses; by age 2-3, this number increases to about 15,000 synapses per neuron.

  3. During adolescence, the brain undergoes a massive "pruning back" of excess synapses, maintaining only the connections that have been strengthened by experience.

  4. Neuroplasticity is involved in the brain's ability to recover from damage caused by stroke or traumatic injury.

  5. Neurogenesis, the birth of new neurons, continues throughout life in specific regions of the brain, such as the hippocampus, which is crucial for learning and memory.

Materials for self-study


John Krakauer, Takao Hensch, Brett Wingeier @World Science Festival






John Krakauer, Takao Hensch, Brett Wingeier @World Science Festival






John Krakauer, Takao Hensch, Brett Wingeier @World Science Festival





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Your friend recently suffered a stroke and is struggling with motor function in their left arm. They are feeling discouraged and believe that they may never regain full use of their arm. Drawing from your understanding of neuroplasticity, how would you explain to your friend that there is hope for recovery? What practical advice would you give them to help promote neuroplasticity and improve their motor function?

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