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Elia Kabanov, a science writer

Elia Kabanov is a prolific science writer, educator, and digital innovator who has made significant contributions to science communication, technology, and culture. Born in Russia, Kabanov has lived and worked in various countries, including the United States, Lithuania, and the United Kingdom, where he currently resides with his wife, Anastasia.

Kabanov's passion for science and technology led him to establish metkere.com in 2008, an award-winning blog focusing on science, culture, and technology. His dedication and expertise in the field have been recognized by various international organizations. In 2010, he was awarded "The Best of Blogs Winner" by Deutsche Welle for having the Best Russian Blog. He has also been a fellow at the International Center for Journalists (USA, 2019) and the Erice International School of Science Journalism (Italy, 2017).

Over the past two decades, Kabanov has collaborated with numerous prestigious organizations, including the British Council, Novartis, American Bar Association, Siemens, Yandex, Grist.org, International Republican Institute, and Meduza. His work has been featured in various international media outlets, such as BBC, DW, BILD, The New York Times, CoinDesk, Le Monde, and many others. Kabanov is the author of several books, including "Scientific Answers to Space Questions" (2011) and a handbook on science communications (2016). He is currently working on a book based on his course at ITMO University, which aims to provide a comprehensive resource for aspiring science communicators.

In addition to his writing, Kabanov has been involved in various digital ventures. From 2018 to 2022, he worked as a science writer and digital advisor for Tayga.info, one of Russia's last remaining independent media outlets. In 2022, he became a co-author and presenter of a popular YouTube channel focusing on science, which has amassed more than 430,000 subscribers. Kabanov is also a dedicated educator, having given public lectures in numerous countries, including India, Bangladesh, Germany, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Russia. He has been affiliated with corporations, startups, media, NGOs, museums, and universities throughout his career.

Elia Kabanov is an avid traveler, having visited 43 countries and crossed the Arctic Circle eight times. He has sailed the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, kayaked the Sea of Japan, and even swum in Siberian rivers at 0 °C. Kabanov also has a deep appreciation for nature, particularly bees. Currently, Kabanov curates two newsletters: "Hypertextual," which covers universities, museums, laboratories, startups, and the latest discoveries and inventions, and "Siberian," which explores how scientists and ordinary people cope with Russia's faltering regime, war, and repression.

Hypertextual newsletter
Siberian newsletter
X (Twitter)

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